La meva pintura se’m fa difícil de descriure-la, ja que per pintura entenc que pot ser feta de mil maneres diferents sens perdre per això el seu nom de pintura. Sobre tela, sobre seda,pintura amb sorres i nogalina, pintura al guaix, a l’aiguada, mixta etc.
I don’t always know the reasons behind my creations, as I am often guided by my subconscious, which seems to have a better grasp of the creative world than I do. Thus, with all the references my mind has accumulated day by day, I have produced a diverse range of objects. I often include somewhat undefined creatures that navigate through a world of uncertainties (such as in "Naufragi"). However, I feel more comfortable giving forms that suggest a multitude of possibilities, without any interest in clarifying their shapes in a specific and concrete way.
For me, photography is as important as all the other genres I have used. The mere act of capturing a specific detail at the precise moment can provide a whole range of events as a suggestive bridge to all other forms of art. Therefore, I make no distinction between a photograph and any other artistic form.
To make my papier-mâché, I collected a series of orange paper strips from a printing shop. After completing the entire process, I had the idea to place it in my ceramics kiln for a whole day at 200°C. To my surprise, the result was immediate: it was as if it had been through a bread oven. That’s when I began creating everything that this phenomenon suggested to me.
The drawings I made with dried heather leaves during the pandemic allowed me to explore an entirely different way of drawing. I worked intuitively, following whatever suggestions came to me at that moment. It’s worth noting that they are somewhat somber, reflecting the societal turmoil we were all experiencing.
This competition was designed and founded by the entrepreneur Mercè Barberà. Each year, the event takes place in Cadaqués, inviting anyone who wishes to participate by submitting all types of prints, whether they are impressions, classic engravings, linocuts, etc., as long as they measure 10 x 10 cm. Once completed, a prize is awarded for the best print, and since there is one winner from each country, the winners then serve as judges for the following year.
In 1994, I participated with the joy of winning the trophy for Catalonia. In addition to holding a solo exhibition at Mercè's gallery in Cadaqués, the exhibition then toured England and other countries beyond our borders. The Miniprint Internacional de Cadaqués is still held today, and I believe it is now approaching its fortieth edition.
I chose the title CAPSIMETRIES to refer to the origin of the term from “CAPSES,” specifically cardboard boxes. I made it a point to collect them from outside the city’s containers and other locations. Discarded because they had ceased to be useful as receptacles for various materials, I used them as a basis for a new concept. The obsessive manipulation I carried out on them using pigments, sands, and reserves has resulted in new “skins” for these containers, transforming them solely for the purpose of being viewed—stripped of any practical use.
All these designs have led me to create a series of drawings and flat interpretations, exploring various ways of understanding and expressing concepts. Many of these initial works have often served as a foundation for ceramic themes. This has proven to be a very effective method for research.
I created these books as a form of enjoyment for everything I achieved with them. By experimenting with washes and collages, I was able to produce them in various colors—blues, reds, yellows, and greens—maintaining a consistent format throughout.
El meu desfici al trobar-me amb tota una sèrie de capsetes de tots colors, em va suggerir utilitzar el seus contenidors per poder-hi fer tota mena de formes i colors, va ser tot un encanteri que m’anava esperitant a poder-hi accedir amb tota mena de fils i tèxtils per arribar a tenir totes elles una sintonia i harmonia prou bona .
By "graphics," one should understand all kinds of drawings, such as calligraphy, continuous and discontinuous lines, and spontaneous doodles. I have devoted a lot of time to creating them using various elements, such as leaves, different types of textile threads, rubber of all colors, aluminum, and so on. It has been a very enjoyable process, where even a small thread can inspire further exploration. I still have a strong desire to explore new graphics.
I consider collage to encompass all kinds of interventions with: painted papers, cut papers, and by adding glue, wood, glass, and threads, in order to create specific shapes.